
Clients that ruin good press releases
As a journalist I get sent some hilarious press releases each day. Trouble is, they...
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What PR professionals can learn from Qantas
Ah, Qantas, the airline that split a nation. Much has been written in the media...
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Pay up or pay the price
If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me to work for free...
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Freelancer is not a dirty word
I am a freelancer. Translated? I juggle editors in the air, careful not to write...
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Why journos can’t afford to miss your breakfast
I stayed at a swanky hotel in Aspen once where I hob nobbed with Elle Macpherson...
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A moment of your time for PitchIt2me, me, me
My mother always told me that boasting was gauche, singing your own praises was rude...
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New Zealand tourism operators better be prepared
Why? Because New Zealand is expecting over two thousand international media to descend upon their...
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Pick me! Getting your press release read
Press release. Two words that send journalists to the delete button and PR professionals to...
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How social media killed the embargo
I was offered an exclusive story a couple of months ago by a tourism company....
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Time is money on a journalist famil
Getting a travel journalist to visit your destination is only half the work, the way...
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